11 Useful WordPress SQL Hacks For Maintaining Your Blog

WordPress is driven by a MySQL database which makes updating content cake once in the database. All of the WordPress data such as posts, comments, categories, and settings are stored within the MySQL database.

If you needed to change some information site wide, going through each and every record would prove a very time consuming task and also be prone to human error. By executing a SQL query against your WordPress database however, you can make the necessary changes quickly and efficiently.

We will show some SQL queries that can be of great assistance to you when using WordPress.

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Creating Search Engine Friendly URLs With Apache and PHP

Utilizing URLs on your site that are search engine friendly is simple and easy to do thanks to PHP and Apache. We will be utilizing permalinks that get rid of all the nasty $_GET data that trails the end of most PHP scripts. An example of a SEO unfriendly URL we will clean is:


Using a combination of Apache’s ForceType directive, the PHP explode() function and PHP’s PATH_INFO variable we can easily turn the sample URL into:


This not only helps our website’s SEO (search engine optimization), but also accomplishes a security concept is known as “security by obscurity”. By obscuring the fact that our web site is using a PHP script, we may detract potential hackers from looking for exploits within our scripts.

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